• 公司英文宣传口号 1、勤者只做不坐,惰者只坐不做。The diligent only does not sit, the lazy person only sits does not do.2、没有品质,便没有企业的明天。Without quality, there is no business tomorrow.3、有一份耕耘,就有一份收获......

  • 英文宣传标语 1、我选择,我喜欢,我环保,我健康。I choose, I love, my protection, my health.2、用我们的双手,保护我们的地球。Use our hands to protect our earth.3、我们是幼苗,我们都需要呵护。We are seedlings, we all need car......

  • 英文广告标语大全 1、清凉舒爽,全家共享。——六神沐浴露Cool and comfortable, the whole family to share.2、让你旺一下。——旺旺广告Make you flourish.3、博大精深,西门子。——西门子Broad and pro......

  • 英文广告标语 1、多一些润滑,少一些摩擦。——统一润滑油More lubrication, less friction.2、听世界,打天下。——海尔手机Listen to the world, fight the world.3、科技创造自由。——联想Science ......

  • 经典slogan:企业slogan,英文slogan slogan:是广告界常用的英文词汇,意为口号,对于一个企业、网站来说,slogan都非常重要,广告口号是一种较长时期内反复使用的特定的商业用语。它的作用就是以最简短的文字把企业或商品的特性及优点表达出来,给人浓缩的广告信......

  • 班级英文口号_四字班级口号大全 班级英文口号【励志】1. Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it世上无难事,只怕有心人2. Rigorousness replaces loose, action instead of desire严谨代替松散,行动代替愿望3. To conque......

  • 各大行业爆笑英文标语大全 An advertisement in a restaurant 一家饭店门口的广告:Please come in to eat or both of us will starve.进来吃饭吧,否则我们都要挨饿。Traffic slogans 交通宣传标语:If you want to stay married, divorce speed.想......

  • 保护环境的英文标语示例 We only have one EarthLove our environment means loving ourselvesClear sky for a clean mindTo protect the environment, starts from mePromote green consumption and green votersPursuit vogue, hug green ......

  • 企业英文口号集锦 创新是企业的生命之源,创新就是创造新的价值!Innovation is the sources of an enterprise’s life, Innovation is to create new value!考核目的是提升,考核来源是目标。目标导向!The purpose for assessment is to impro......

  • 企业的英文口号 力争做中国行业优秀的留学公司 Be the top leader in the study abroad consulting industry.大干一年 大步前进 Work hard and progress fast.没有执行力就没有竞争力! Without execution, there is no competition.......

  • 销售行业年会口号_销售团队英文口号大全 销售行业年会口号【推荐1】1、积硅步,行千里,稳扎稳打稳拿钱。2、热情服务、转变观念、增强知识、迎接挑战。3、用我们行动连接你我他,我们销售网络永不堵车。4、卯时美景花方艳,猴岁良辰酒更醇。5、团结协作、奋斗创新、......

  • 关于学习的励志英文标语 1.The time is passing. .时间在流逝。2.One day, has not been able again to come. 一天过完,不会再来。3.The education level represents the income. .教育程度代表收入。4.Not matter of the today will drag to......

  • 经典英文名言名句大全 1. Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. ( Shakespeare ) 不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(莎士比亚)2. The man who has made up his mind to win will never s......

  • 英文安全生产标语口号大全 1、加强质量教育、提高质量意识。Strengthening quality education and improving quality consciousness.2、安全勤劳,生活美好。Safety, diligence, good life.3、正确使用它、事故就少了。If you use it correctly,......

  • 英文企业标语 1、品质你我做得好,顾客留住不会跑。The quality of your I do well, customers will be faithful.2、培养优质素养,提高团队力量。Cultivate high quality, improve team strength.3、以厂为校,以厂为家;互相学习,互相关......

  • 拓展英文队伍固结口号 1.Argentina - Last stop: Glory 阿根廷:一切只为最后的荣誉2.New Zealand - Kickin' it Kiwi style 新西兰:为新西兰而歌.3.Cameroon - The Indomitable Lions are back 喀麦隆:雄狮回来了4.Italy - Italian Azz......

  • 英文企业文化标语 1、超越自我,敬业创新。Beyond self, dedication and innovation.2、带出一流的队伍,创出一流的业绩,展现一流的风貌。With a first-class team, creating first-class performance and first-class style show.3、从管......

  • 班级口号:班级英文口号   1. Time is money  时间就是金钱  2. Truth never grows old  真理永存  3. No pains,no gains  没有付出,没有收获  4. Be the master of study  做学习的主人  5. Fly my English dream  放......

  • 企业英文口号_公司英文口号大全_企业标语 企业英文口号【励志】1. 人才是企业成长的原动力 Manpower is a prime driver for the growth of an organization.2. 责任 协作 responsibility co-ordination efficient execution3. 争做中国行业优秀的留学公司 Be......

  • 年中英文运动会加油稿 1、不为鲜花的围绕,不为刹那的荣耀,只有执着的信念,化作不停的奔跑,心中燃烧着梦想,脚下不停的步伐!No flowers around, not for the moment of glory, only persistent belief, to keep running, a burning in the heart ......

  • 企业英文口号_公司英文口号大全 企业英文口号【励志】1. 人才是企业成长的原动力 Manpower is a prime driver for the growth of an organization.2. 责任 协作 responsibility co-ordination efficient execution3. 争做中国行业优秀的留学公司 Be......

  • 企业文化英文口号 1. Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)2. Obey your thirst. 服从你的可望。(雪碧)3. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)4. We lead. Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光打印......

  • 企业环保的英文口号 1、省一下能源,造福千万年。Save energy and benefit for millions of years.2、拯救环境,从细节做起。Save the environment and start from the details.3、人人为环保、环保为人人。Everyone is environmental prote......

  • 企业英文宣传口号 力争做中国行业优秀的留学公司 Be the top leader in the study abroad consulting industry.大干一年 大步前进 Work hard and progress fast.没有执行力就没有竞争力! Without execution, there is no competition.......

  • 保护环境的英文标语 We only have one EarthLove our environment means loving ourselvesClear sky for a clean mindTo protect the environment, starts from mePromote green consumption and green votersPursuit vogue, hug gre......